Horse Dumped

14th Apr 2015


We got a call this afternoon from a very distressed lady about a horse tied up to a gate with a wound to her neck. Volunteers responded immediately and to their horror, this is what they arrived to. She was tied to a gate, with a large wound to her neck and she must have died just before or after she was dumped here like a piece of rubbish as she was still warm to the touch. The scum who did this didn’t have a worry in the world and didn’t give a shit about being seen. There were 3 men, 2 wearing yellow hi-vis vests and 1 wearing a orange hi-vis vest seen unloading a white Hi Ace van, unfortunately the driver of the vehicle couldn’t see what they were unloading as they drove past and by the time they did a u-turn and returned, the van drove past them and when they arrived back to the area this is what they faced. What did this girl do to deserve this??? What had she been through?? The scum even took the time to remove all 4 of her shoes. This cruelty, as we say time after time is just NOT acceptable. We plead with the public to come forward in confidence with any information and people do, BUT we need it on paper and that too is confidential. Without pen to paper, the Garda cannot obtain search warrants, so even though we know names, nothing can be done. Without your help and without standing up to these scum that are getting away with this barbaric cruelty, we are going to continue seeing this on a daily basis and that is unacceptable. We need to stand up and let the scum know that we are NOT going to stand for this anymore!! R.I.P sweetheart!

Horse dumped 1 Horse dumped 2

Horse dumped 3 Horse dumped 4